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Working With Documents – How to Avoid Missing Files

When you’re working with documents, you face a lot of potential pitfalls. The right tools will help you keep your project running smoothly, whether you’re working with remote teams or an internal project.

Finding files missing is one of the most frustrating problems when working with documents. It’s a common problem that can be avoided by planning and documentation.

If you’re using the appropriate tools, it’s easy to make sure that everyone has access most important files. You can do this by enabling document controls for different groups. You can grant permissions so that contributors can edit content while readers only access it, for instance.

Documentation is a vital element for any business. It’s almost impossible to run in a business without it. While writing internal documents isn’t everyone’s favorite job, it’s essential to ensure that all of the essential information is properly documented. Making sketchy notes on paper or mish-mashing speculative ideas together won’t suffice.

Effective documentation will gather all of the must-know information (from account logins to step-by-step instructions) in a centralized, organized place. This will ensure that all the information that you need is located in the same location and available at any time and not scattered across your hard drive, email, or downloaded files. This will reduce the time you’d otherwise have to spend searching for files.

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